Restoring 70 miles of canal and towpath for the benefit of local communities, wildlife and leisure
Come and join us.

Loans to Donations success drives Back to Business

Work is almost complete on setting up designated funds for restoration projects costing up to £20,000 in each of our five branches. The funding will come from money generated by the successful Loans to Donations conversion programme, redeeming our pledge to Peterborough Arms loan note holders that their donations would be used to kickstart restoration projects. The emphasis is on doing work that will quickly benefit the public in the communities along our route.

The projects are:

  • At MCC; Naish Hill, Restoration of 533m of the towpath and canal south of Double Bridge on
    land newly leased from Wiltshire Council
  • At RWB; Walkers Route, Reinstatement and upgrade of the towpath from Templars Firs to
    Chaddington Lane plus leak correction works
  • In Swindon; Mouldon Hill 2 project to revive the towpath and design a leak repair strategy
  • In West Vale; Steppingstones bridge completion, sundry smaller works and upgraded mowing
    and maintenance equipment
  • In East Vale; Removal of deceased canalside trees, clearing of the 300m Elms Farm section plus
    sundry smaller works

Funding will be available to the branches from 1st April 2022, the results will be monitored carefully to ensure these new works are delivering the expected results.

Gordon Olson

Promotional ImageOn Saturday 27th January, with what can be described as a crisp, bright early Spring Day, 1000s of people descended on The Oval, London, to take part in the Ultra Challenge Winter Walk… with myself included.

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