1876: New Bridge in Fleet Street

From the Swindon Evening Advertiser, 7th October 1876

Mr. Forward proposed that the clerk be instructed to write to the Canal Company, asking what kind of bridge they would allow the Board to erect over the canal at the top of Fleet Street, which was seconded and carried.  Cheques for over £600 having been signed, the meeting broke up.

From the Swindon Evening Advertiser, 6th November 1876

A long discussion arose on the subject.

It was said estimates had been received of the probable cost, which amounted to something like £700. It was decided that the Board should take no further action in the matter until plans were laid before them of what kind of bridge it was proposed to erect, with an estimate, so that the board might lay it before the Canal Company.

From the Swindon Evening Advertiser, 9th December 1876

Mr. Westlake and Mr. Rich attended before the board as a deputation from the Fleet Street Bridge Committee, and presented plans and an estimate for the proposed new bridge, which it is said would cost about £400. It was proposed to put a swing bridge, with 10ft 6in roadway, and 2ft 6in. footpaths each side. Mr Westlake said the committee could offer the board £250 towards the cost if they would make up the deficiency.

The chairman said the bridge would increase the value of the property each side more than £400, but Mr. Forward said it was a question of public convenience.

Mr. Hurt again denounced the scheme as useless, there being another bridge within eighty yards of the proposed one, which drew from Mr. Pope the remark that it was evident Mr. Hurt had not got property in that street.-

Mr. Forward proceeded to propose that the board accept the offer, but it was said would be desirable to give the absent members notice of the question coming on, and thus save any remarks afterwards.

This suggestion was adopted.