WBCT supporter and canal restoration enthusiast Stephen Court is taking a big step this year.

Stephen is aiming to walk an incredible 1000 miles in 2024 to raise funds for WBCT.  That's about 2.75 miles per day, come rain or shine, which will be mainly along canals with his dog.

Stephen, from Chippenham, runs a growing You Tube channel specialising in canal restoration.  He uses filming from the ground and drone footage to bring the canals and their history to life.  He features many aspects of the WBCT, but also canals further afield.  Recent videos on his channel, called ‘Court Above the Cut’,  include Swindon’s lost locks and the best canal restorations of 2023.

Please check out Stephen’s Facebook page at Court Above the Cut and give him a follow, then click the link below and give him a sponsor!  You are amazing people.



Instagram: instagram.com/p/CmxF1PHstH2/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Facebook: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089090800654

Twitter/X: twitter.com/CourtAboveCut

TikTok: tiktok.com/@courtabovethecut?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Threads: threads.net/@courtabovethecut>