De Sperwer’s Voyage

We have been on a grand voyage across Britain, it is also a personal journey.

Apart for the simple pleasures of boating, another reason for this journey is that it lends itself to do some modest promoting for a deserving cause: I have been recovering from Prostate Cancer and I am working with several major charities to promote awareness & sharing with men & their partners. I am conscious that many WBCT members are over 50.

A Lost Geographer! Tales of Dutch sailing barge “De Sperwer’s” Voyage West to East

Chapter 1 Stourport to Worcester – down the River Severn to Gloucester

As the sound of wood splintering on bone gives way to peals of laughter from best mate, I ask

“ Remind me why are we doing this?” Why are we moving away from the open seas to quiet, tideless & timeless waterways. The honest truth is perhaps that we were seeking an adventure. Many senior couples ponder the merits of their choice of boating. As a Suffolk boy the sea and rivers are in my blood. The thing is to get out on the water- any water. Our choice was also influenced by health matters. So, we are endulging in a very different kind of boating. And what a joy it has been!