
Interested in giving us a hand restoring the canal in the Shrivenham area to create a lasting local amenity?

We hold weekly work-parties every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, weather permitting, from 9:30am. at the Shrivenham Canal Park in Stainswick Lane.
Also work-parties most Wednesdays at Uffington Gorse.

Individual Volunteers.
We have volunteering opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and skills. You really don’t have to be fit or even able-bodied. From a few days a week to a few hours a year at times to suit you! Branch volunteers
We have jobs to suit everyone; sitting down, indoor ‘office’ jobs as well as the physically demanding, very vigorous (outdoor gym stuff!) jobs down on the cut itself.
Those who wish to join in Branch activities on a more permanent basis can become Branch Members and join our regular Wednesday or occasional monthly work-parties.

Just volunteer! It really is a most worthwhile environmental project, its fun and rewarding.

Like to help but for one reason or another are not able to? Well you can still help by donating tools, equipment, materials or by a straight donation (we always have more projects than money!) 

Corporate Volunteering – ‘Company days out’

Many local firms have visited us for a fun day away from the office/workplace volunteering on canal restoration. We have a variety of jobs always on offer depending upon the time of year and the physical abilities and numbers of visitors. Work can be arranged for small groups, two or three, up to about 25, for a couple of hours or up to a full day.

‘Volunteering Days usually involve physical labour, we supply all the tools, materials, and equipment etc; also all the training and instruction required for the planned tasks. We have a on-site welfare facilities, including an 'eco' loo. We are always in need of new tools and equipment, so we would very much appreciate any company donations towards same. Or look at our wish list on Amazon.

Lunchtime refreshments, picnics and BBQs are easily arranged to suit our visitors. We can supply the food and drinks etc or you can bring your own. Yes! We do take breaks and also have some picnic chairs and tables and can supply hot drinks.

Alternatively, we can also arrange local pub lunches, in their dining room, bar or garden.

For further details on volunteering please contact  alan.norris@wbct.org.uk




31st July - Our last Nationwide team for a while. Today we had 9 volunteers from the security division who toiled on a very hot day. One group raked and moved arisings cut in the canal bed to the compost area with a second completing the digging of the west side bridge foundation and then mixing the concrete fill. After lunch at the local pub the roles were reversed although the heat made physical work a real effort. Well done all!

Nationwide 31st July in The Park meadow Nationwide 31st July - working on west-bank bridge foundation
24th July - Nationwide's volunteers must love our location and work! Today we had our largest team yet - 24. All walked the 600m to Tuckmill Brook to continue work on the new bridge and footpath. One group continued digging out the bank on the west side of the brook for the bridge foundation, the second group moved loads of building materials & mixed concrete to fill the already dug east-side foundation, with a third group tacking the brambles blocking the proposed footpath. Lunch at the Prince of Wales pub was highly praised, then of course there was the long walk back to Tuckmill Brook, so everyone got much exercise plus a very productive day's work.

Nationwide 24th July - standing in the dry canal bed!

Nationwide 24th July - digging the bridge foundation

Nationwide 24th July - clearing the new footpath

17th July  - On a hot and sunny Wednesday we welcomed a second group from the Nationwide finance department. 15 happy volunteers formed three groups:- one group continued to clear the new meadow area, a second worked in the now dry canal bed to remove the summer growth from around the water pipe that feeds the canal in the Park, with the "lucky" third group working in the shade at Tuckmill Brook digging out heavy clay for the foundations for the new bridge. After lunch in the pub, the groups swapped tasks. A great amount of progess was made - Thank you all.

Nationwide 17th July 2024

Nationwide 17th July 2024

Nationwide 17th July 2024

12th July - Severn volunteers today from Thames Water. One group carried on the task of clearing our proposed new meadow area, with a second group making a start on the "jungle" on the far side of Tuckmill Brook that will become a new footpath. Lunch was a picnic in the Park. Some had visited us 2 years ago and remarked positively on the changes since then.

Thames Water in new meadow - July Thames Water making the new footpath - July

10th July - Our second visit from Nationwide this year, this time the Finance department attended with 17 eager volunteers. Working in small teams, they helped move loads of building materials to Tuckmill Brook for our planned bridge, cleared areas of growth in the now dry canal bed, gathered risings from our planned new meadow area and had a good time at the local pub.

Nationwide Finance Dept. July 10th

Nationwide Finance Dept. July 10th

Nationwide Finance Dept. July 10th

19th June - Swindon software company Rialtas came to the Canal Park with a team of 4. As well as doing some canal clearing they installed a new bench on the towpath near Tuckmill Brook so that weary walkers and volunteers might have a break!

Rialtas 19th June  

5th June 2024 - Our first team from Nationwide this year, 8 volunteers from Purchasing - looking very cheerful at the start of a warm and mostly sunny day! They helped with several tasks, moving soil to build up the ground by a fence, removing grass from around our new saplings and to complete the day, clearing the canal bank by the Park, a full day's work.

Nationwide Purchasing Team June 2024 Nationwide Purchasing Team June 2024

13th March 2024 - We welcomed back Vodafone Property Services, with several of the 11 volunteers having previously visited in October last year. Fortunately it was one of the few recent dry days, but rains on the day before had made the ground and our soil heaps exceeding sticky. They mixed loads of concrete, filling over 80 sandbags for a new crossing into the adjacent Coppidthorne meadow, installed new gate posts and spread some of the sticky soil. Much appreciated hard labour!

March 2024 Team Vodaphone March 2024 construction of new Park access, sandbags filled by Vodafone
10th January 2024 - Our first company group of the year.
Two brave employees from Vets for Pets decided to risk the storms & cold to help our regular volunteers at the Shrivenham Canal Park. It turned out to be a cold but gloriously sunny day and they enjoyed moving loads of wood chippings to resurface the paths in and around the copse and the pub lunch!
Vets for Pets volunteers enjoying the winter sun  



16th November 2023 - On one of the few fine autumnal days, a team of 13 from Nationwide mortgages joined us at the Canal Park. Groups set to work to clear brambles by a drainage ditch and at the east end of the Park where we require access to plant a new hedge and maintain the canal bank. Another group were busy all day filling sand-bags with a concrete mix to build up the new footpath crossings started last month. The crossing then being filled with soil. We did allow a few breaks, lunch in the pub and coffee around a well-stocked refreshment table. An excellent day's result for all, even the dog appeared to enjoy the change of scene.

The NationWide Team Bramble clearing to give access to the canal bank
Sand-bag filling Coffee break!
Building the new footpath crossings The new access point for canal bank maintenance

4th October 2023 - Another company joined us for the first time - 15 volunteers from Vodafone Property Services spent a glorious day, collecting aggregate from SSLB, mixing concrete, laying pipes in a drainage ditch to make a footpath crossing and also clearing part of our new meadow area. A very full and sucessful day. 

 Vodafone October 2023  Vodafone October 2023
Vodafone October 2023 Vodafone October 2023

 27th September 2023 - We welcomed a new company, Tanium (based in Reading). One large group was dispatched to Steppingstone Lane Bridge to tidy up all the cut material that had been left after the July clearance sessions and also to move aggregate back to the Park for their colleagues to mix into concrete for the bench bases. One base was completed with nearly a ton of concrete being laid. Another group continued to resurface the paths within the copse with wood chippings.

 Team Tanium September 2023  Team Tanium September 2023
Team Tanium September 2023  

20th September 2023 - Another great team from Nationwide, just a pity the day went from damp to deluge, so work had to be abandoned at lunchtime. However, they made good progress in clearing around our benches in order for concrete bases to be laid and shifted loads of bark chippings to the wooldland paths. 
The two benches close to the copse are to have solid bases so that the ground beneath does not become muddy, these bases extending by a metre on one side to accommodate a pushchair or wheelchair.

Nationwide September 2023

2023 Sept NW 3

Nationwide September 2023

8th August 2023 - Arval are so unlucky, their team of 8 picked another damp day. Some had been to us several times before so knew what to expect! However, they did a grand job of clearing all the annual growth from around our tree saplings in the Park area.

Team Arval - August 8th clearing around tree saplings Team Arval - August 8th - the area cleared

18th & 19th July 2023 - Teams at Nationwide just love coming to our sites. This month so many wanted to come from the Finance Department that we had to split the workforce over two days. Their task was to clear the undergrowth around Steppingstone Lane Bridge. Although we rebuild the bridge some years ago (see the project page), the wing-walls in the canal were not restored. The site had to be cleared so that the remains of the walls could be inspected and plans made for their reinstatement. On the 18th, 17 volunteers attended, with 19 on the 19th. Both teams worked really hard and the job was accomplished! 

Steppingstone Lane Bridge - east side before work

West side before work

Briefing before work

Work in progressTeam on 19th, west side, celebrating completion

East side after completion of work

28th June 2023 - Nationwide returns! This time with a group from the Security Transformation Delivery Team. 15 volunteers completed clearing the towpath to Station Road they also tackled the banks of the canal in our park and spread 3 tons of wood chippings on paths within the copse.

Nationwide 28 June Nationwide 28 June
24th May 2023 - At last a lovely sunny day for our volunteers. Today a band of 23, plus one dog, from Nationwide Building Society - the Data Safeguarding & Compliance + Data & Analytics departments. Their task was to re-open the footpath from Stainswick Lane to Station Road. It was nearly impassable due to the rapid spring growth of comfrey and cow parsley. 500m was cleared, a great effort by all (although I don't believe the dog did much). Plenty though was left growing for insects.

NationWide 24th May - safety talk

Footpath before

NationWide 24th May

Footpath after

29th March 2023 - Another wet March day but the promised team of 5 from Arval turned up at the Canal Park to complete the clearing of the canal banks in the park itself; a task started by their colleagues back in October.
It was very muddy underfoot but the volunteers appeared to enjoy the day.

Arval March 2023 The canal bank following Arval's work March 2023
14th January 2023 - Despite the dire weather forecast, a band of 10 hardy volunteers from the village and beyond came to the Shrivenham Canal Park to plant 100 tree saplings, donated by the OVO I Dig Trees Scheme, and numerious bulbs kindly provided by a local supporter. The event had already been postponed from 28th December due to rain and wind. Fortunately, today, the rain just eased off at 10 am as we prepared and with many hands, on spades, the task was completed before lunch.  Tree planting 14th January 2023 Tree planting 14th January 2023



23rd November 2022 - Staff from Nationwide Building Society came to help us again. This time it was a team from "Retail IRB". Nine hardy men were not put off by the rather dire weather forecast, they movied a quantity of stone and did a great job tackling the overgrown northern canal bank in the Park. As you can see the weather was ok with just a few showers and the canal bank is much improved.


Nationwide 23 November 2022 - Photo: Greg Winiarski Nationwide 23 November 2022 - Photo: Greg Winiarski

2nd November 2022 - Today we had the assistance of a group from Thames Water. The Offshore Partner Support Team put in some hard work continuing the clearance of the banks of the canal within the Park. The rain just about held off but the length is now rapidly becoming boggy.


Thames Water Offshore Partner Support Team November 2022 Thames Water Offshore Partner Support Team November 2022

26th October 2022 - After a damp start, the day became sunny and warm as we welcomed a group of seven from Arval. Some had been before with some having travelled from Worcester, Cambridge and even Manchester. Their task was to clear the banks of the canal within the Park before it filled with the winter rain. The 'after' photo shows that they made a significant difference.


Arval October 2022 The canal after Arval's work

21st September 2022 - Volunteers from Travelport visited for the first time. A great team of 16, most from the Swindon finance department but a few came all the way from their Slough HQ. Fortunately the weather was most kind, even hot at times and many tasks were achieved including completing the clearance of the last 120m of canal bank (hurrah!), installing 4 bat boxes and 3 signs, most notably our new entrance sign to the Canal Park.

Travelport Sept 2022

Travelport Sept 2022


Travelport Sept 2022

Travelport Sept 2022

25th August 2022 - In a change to our usual Wednesday work-parties, we hosted a band of volunteers from Swindon Based Sinewave, a power connection provider, on a Thursday. An unfortunate choice as it was the only day that week when it rained! However, the group throughly enjoyed the day and make more noticeable progress in clearing the canal.


Sinewave August 2022  

17th August 2022 - A team of 11 today from Arval, for some of the participants it was their third visit to us, they must like it here!
As the canal was quite dry despite some recent rain, they carried on with the bank-clearing task. The end is literally in sight now.


Arval 17 August 2022 Arval 17 August 2022

27th July 2022 - We welcomed a group from the Environmental Agency for the first time. 15 volunteers from several environmental management teams came together for a teams' meeting and also to continue clearing the canal bank towards Tuckmill Brook.
At long last, this task is now nearing completion, grateful thanks to all the groups involved.


Environmental Agency July 2022  The length cleared by the EA
 6th July 2022 - A large team of 23 from Nationwide continued with clearing the canal bank - it's a big job with nearly 600m to maintain. The day was again very warm, so a break at the local pub for lunch was greatly appreciated!  Nationwide 6 July 2022 - kitted-up ready to start  
 24th June 2022 - Two groups today! Small teams from Nationwide & AO Ltd. together continued the job of clearing the canal bank. Their efforts clearly visible.  Nationwide & AO June 2020  

15th June 2022 - A strong contingent from the Shared Services Team of Thames Water, numbering 13, carried on the task of clearing the overgrown canal bank towards Tuckmill, making good progress depite it being a very hot day. Feedback confirmed that they had a most enjoyable day. 

Photos courtesy Jessica Eley.


Thames Water Shared Services Team June 2022

 Thames Water Shared Services Team June 2022

18th May 2022 - After a quiet 2020 & 2021 for corporate volunteering, we welcomed Oakford Advisors Ltd. to the Canal Park for the first time.

An enthusiastic team of 9 came for the afternoon and spread wood chippings on paths in the copse & helped to clear a section of canal towards Tuckmill Brook.

We look forward to seeing them again.

 2022 Oakford Advisors 18 May  




 27th November 2019 - The 11 strong team from Nationwide were not so lucky with the weather but still enjoyed the day clearing the towpath.

2019 Nov Nationwide


20th November 2019 - Another team from Arval chose a fine day to do more clearance along the canal bank by the Park.

Arval November 2019 at the Park


13th November 2019 - A team of three from local company Montala joined branch volunteers to clear up the debris at Tuckmill Brook. What they may have lacked in numbers, they made up with effort.

A lovely day in the autumn sunshine. We look forward to more of their company returning.

Montala November 2019 at Tuckmill


16th October 2019 - The first visit from Business West. Three brave folk from the Swindon office volunteered to work in the Park. Fortunately they chose the one day in weeks that it has not rained and tackled the surrounds of the second pond.

Both our ponds are now refilling after the dry summer.

Business West October 2019


2nd October 2019 - Thames Water visited us with a team of 11 on another lovely sunny day down in the cut by the Park, to clear more of the canal and have a jolly good burn-up.


Thames Water Oct 2019

 Thames Water Oct 2019

25th September 2019 - Nationwide joined us again on a rather damp day, but the effort of the 13
strong team was not dampened. They got to work clearing one of the remaining patches of
bramble that encroach on the canal between the Park and Tuckmill Brook. 

Nationwide Sept 2019


18th September 2019 - Capita joined us for the first time with a superb team numbering 16.

They fixed a number of bird boxes around the Park and got to clearing the scrub from the canal and towpath at Tuckmill Brook.

Capita Sept 2019

Capita Sept 2019

17th September 2019 - Arval were back again with a group of six, who cleared out one of the seasonal ponds on the Park (now dry) and had a good burn-up of the debris left from the previous works parties.

Arval Sept 2019

Arval Sept 2019

21st August 2019 - Another excellent team from Arval. This time, eight volunteers got to work clearing out the drainage ditch at the back of our Park; this being necessary to prevent the adjacent lane flooding.

2019 Aug Arval


31st July 2019 - Our second team from Arval this month! Six enthusiastic volunteers tidied the entrance to the Park, seeded grass around the new path, repositioned the footpath sign and also continued the clearance of the canal bed towards Tuckmill Brook.

2019 July Arval


17th July 2019 - We welcomed our first team of volunteers from Thames Water on another scorching hot day. A dozen energetic folk completed the path started by Nationwide last week and then continued with the canal clearance towards Tuckmill Brook. Jobs well done.


2019 July Thames Water

2019 July Thames Water

12th July 2019 - More teams from Nationwide! The Financial Controls & Operations and Squad Departments, numbering 42 - our largest ever group, progressed four tasks.

A "heavy mob" extended the surfaced path in the Park, no easy job removing the rock-hard turf and shifting the stone on a hot day.

A second demanding job was to continue clearing the canal bed eastwards.

The third group carried out essential clipping of the hedgerows to keep the footpaths safe.

The fourth group were able to work in the shade of the Park copse gathering dead branches to create 12 habitat piles.

A full day with lots to show at the end, but it was not all graft, everyone enjoyed an on-site break for a buffet lunch in the shade of the trees.

July 19 Nationwide





2019 July NW

2019 July NW

2019 July Nationwide

2019 July Nationwide





2019 July Nationwide

9th July 2019 - Arval returned with a team to maintain the footpath to the north of the Park, before & after photos show the difference.

2019 July Arval

2019 July Arval

3rd July 2019 - Nationwide returned with an energetic  team of 15 on another very hot day and together with an equally enthusiastic group of 7 of from Intel, that joined us for the afternoon, about 100m of the canal was cleared eastwards from the Park.

Nationwide July 2019

Intel July 2019

5th June 2019 - Another group of 18 volunteers from Nationwide came for a day out to do some hard work along the canal towpath between Station Road & Stainswick Lane in Shrivenham. The path here was almost impassable due to the rapid spring growth of annuals.

On a glorious sunny day, teams from 'Compliance Oversite' and 'Branch Transformation' got going and by the end of the day the 630m path was again clear for public use.

Towpath to Station Road

 Towpath to Station Road

Towpath to Station Road

23rd April 2019 - Nationwide provided a team of 22! They beavered away clearing and burning the last of the debris along the length to Tuckmill Brook and also some lying in the length through our Canalside Park.

At long last this section is virtually tidy.

Nationwide two April 2019

Nationwide two April 2019

Our first corporate work-party of 2019 was held on 10th April - 10 volunteers from the Nationwide Building Society risk assessment team enjoyed the sunshine and heaped up piles of debris cut last year, that lay along the canal to Tuckmill Brook, some under water after the winter rains and then had several bonfires. 

Nationwide April 2019  Nationwide April 2019


Towards Tuckmill Feb 2019

   The autumn work-parties have certainly made a difference, changing what looked rather like an overgrown ditch to an obvious canal. With a little more water we could even float a boat!  
Team ArvalTeam Arval   19th November 2018 - A cold day down on the cut, but we had another team from Arval to carry on the clearance from the Park to Tuckmill. Their Sales Team, some travelling a great distance to be with us, put in a superb amount of effort and finsihed the removal of brambles.  
NPower Front Office TeamNPower Front Office Team   15th November 2018 - On a lovely autumnal day, a team 14 strong from the NPower Front Office attacked yet more brambles & scrub to clear more of the canal bed and banks. All we need to do now is dispose of the heaps of debris!  
Nationwide Treasury TeamNationwide Treasury Team   7th November 2018 - A group from Nationwide Building Society made a most welcome return.
Severn hardy volunteers from the Treasury Team braved rain and wind to clear more scrub from another length of canal near our Park, but they appeared to enjoy it!
Defence Academy Team Oct 2018Defence Academy Team Oct 2018  

October 2018 - A second team from the Defence Academy-JFD HQ Resources Dept.
12 hard-working volunteers put in a full day of scrub clearance and "recovered" the canal nearly to Tuckmill Brook.

Defence Academy Team Oct 2018    

Defence Academy Team Sept 2018Defence Academy Team Sept 2018

Defence Academy Team Sept 2018Defence Academy Team Sept 2018


 Sept 2018 - We welcomed 23 volunteers from the Defence Academy DCDC department, who cleared the brambles from 100m of the canal bank east of our Park. This section being totally dry at the time.

  Wednesday work-party with Arval - Stainswick to Station Road - July 182nd Group from Arval - Stainswick to Station Road - July 18  

July 2018 - Two groups of energetic volunteers from Arval, kept the towpath open from Stainswick Lane to
Station Road, despite it being one of the summer's very hot days.


  London WRG on Steppingstone Lane Bridge end June 18 - photo Martin Ludgate


End June 2018 - London WRG cut and fixed the coping stones to the western parapet of Steppingstone Lane bridge, so completing the bridge rebuild.

 Completion of towpath by Station Road - May 18  

May 2018 - A branch work-party completed the surfacing of the towpath adjacent to Station Road Shrivenham.