West Vale Branch has Wednesday & Saturday work-parties every week. 

We meet at the Shrivenham Canal Park in Stainswick Lane usually from 9:30 am until about 1 pm, but longer if we are hosting a corporate volunteer group.

Frequent Wednesday work-parties are also held at our site at Uffington Gorse.

Local people and Company volunteers are welcome to join us, see our Volunteering page. 

For more information please contact our Work-party Organiser - kenn.tagg@wbct.org.uk

 Monthly Branch planning meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 7:00pm at The Prince of Wales pub in Shrivenham High Street.

As in previous years, the Branch will have an information marquee at the Shrivenham Fete on Saturday 24th August (the fete has free entry!) and will also be at the White Horse Show, near Uffington, on Sunday 25th & Monday 26th August. Do drop by for up-to-date details of our current and planned projects.